Opennemas - News Agency
You can also import content from RSS feeds in the same way.
Prerequisite: You must have an account with the agency in question, which will provide an address (ftp or http), a username and password to connect with the agency. These data are mandatory to configure the agency in Opennemas.
Once agencies are configured in your Opennemas admin panel, all available news will appear in a list and all of them will be available for import just by clicking on the "Import" button (ref. image below).
Set an Agency
Once the Opennemas Newspaper Administrator received the address of the service provided by the agency and a username and password, he/she needs to:
- Go to Menu > Utilities > News agencies;
- Click the Setup button (gear icon) on the top right of the page. That will access the list of configured agencies and also the button to add more agencies.
Import a content
To create content (article and/or image) from the synced agencies to the newspaper, the list screen (menu>utilities>news agency) provides the "Import" button on each content that import the content on the platform, as an opinion or as an article.
When you import a content you can choose between "Import and publish" or "Import and edit". (ref. image below).
- "Import and publish" creates and make the content available to publish it on a frontpage or to view it in the articles list. In order to choose whether to go to the Frontpage Manager to publish the content or to the list the user has 2 links in the confirmation window "article list" and "frontpages" (picture below).. For more information on how to publish content on frontpages, please visit: How to create an article and publish it in the frontpage
- "Import and Edit" option takes to the article or opinion creation screen. Contents' fields will be populated by news agency content amd the user will be able to review the imported information and make any necessary changes. The "Available" for Publishing check box will appear unchecked and the content will only be listed to be added to a Frontpage once user wants.
Images can also be imported without the associated text so that only the image and not the text would be saved. In order to import only images the Administrator of the Opennemas Newspaper needs to:
- Select "Photos" in the "Type" top menu option (ref. image below).